Money makeover-paradigm shift

Consider adding this meditation 3 x daily.  A money makeover occurs when you shift your current paradigm and start using Universal principles.  Universal principles work for people all over the world.  Our old conditioning frequently blocks our ability to be free financially.

We must take responsibility and become more aware of abundance, be aware of our thought process and our unconscious behavior.

Giving more attention to Gratitude and Abundance will start increasing your awareness of abundance, which will start to bring more abundance.  Gratitude helps dissolve negativity and having a Love for what you do helps start the flow of abundance.  If you will start with those two ideas, you will notice money starting to be less of a struggle, remember, it’s just energy that we give meaning to.  A change of perception will bring a change in the results that you receive.

Stay tuned for June’s one minute meditation.  I received a huge confirmation right after making it.  I’m super excited for those that will take responsibility for where they are financially and start becoming more aware of their thought process.  If you are broke, it’s because you have unconsciously had more thoughts and feelings of being broke, than thoughts and feelings of more than enough.  As soon as you attempt to change your situation, your mind attempts to “protect” you and you go back to the same status quo. You have to use a less resistant process to bring change and have a money make over as the result.  That’s one reason it’s a great idea to get some coaching along the way.  Always remember, mind is cause and  __________ is a result or the effect of your thinking.  We have to pull out those stops, blocks and strongholds that keep us bound.

When I had Bob as a mentor and a coach, my life changed in a great way.  We are programmed to not ask for help, but when we do, it can make a huge difference.

Thank you for the clients that have worked with me thus far, it’s a blessing to get to connect with others and see their lives change for the better in the process.

Recipe 4 Financial Expansion-Start Now

Thank you for your time.

Expect God’s best,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006

I choose abundance now bootcamp

Money Makeover-Mindset of More than enough money

A money makeover begins in your mind.  You must start having a mindset of more than enough money.  Take some time and look at nature, there’s no end to what you can see, and more than enough is everywhere.  Until now, your past income has been the ceiling, if you will, now we must take the limits off your mind and start allowing money to come to you from every direction.

One of my mentors did a Cd that helps open your  mind.  “What would you do if your annual income, suddenly became your monthly income?”

What did you mind tell you?  Yeah right.That’s that old programming trying to get you to stay in lack thinking.  Go ahead, give it some thought  “What would you do if your annual income, suddenly became your monthly income?”  You must start listening to that voice of love from within, that voice that knows zero limits.

Your heart is the soil and your mind must be renewed.

So we have laid the foundation, torn down the walls, opened the windows and removed the limits off your mind.  This is just the beginning.  You must start forming new habitual thoughts and feelings to change your money.  It’s simple, yet if you don’t use a system to keep on track, you will get sidetracked and start doing the same thing you have been doing and keep getting the same results.

I’ve been blessed with some great mentors and your habitual thoughts and feelings truly determine your success more than your actions.  When you take inspired actions you are so much more effective than just taking any action.

Only one more post, then we are finished with the 30 day money makeover.  Money is an idea in your mind, a tool, a method of exchange of energy.  You must have a mindset of increase, the seed is in itself, it’s natures law, everything was intended for increase, 10 is the number of increase, you need the 1 which is the male energy and the 0 which is the female energy to come together and then things start to multiply.  Successful people have used that principle for thousands of years to improve their financial status.

Give cheerfully and trust God for the increase, you will be absolutely amazed.  Give yourself at least 90 days to a year to really start changing your mind.  If you have debt, you have been eating your seed, maybe being impatient, or just not having the knowledge.  Debt is a habit, success is a habit, wealth is a habit.  We all have equal access to change our situation.  Take your focus off of debt and start renewing your mind to more than enough, and more than enough has no choice but to come your way.  It’s simple, it’s fun and it works!

Recipe 4 Financial Expansion-Start Now

Thank you for your time.

Please comment, like and share.

Expect God’s best,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006

I choose abundance now bootcamp

Money Makeover-give cheerfully


Hopefully you are starting to notice a positive shift regarding your finances.  Remember first and foremost you must take personal responsibility for where you are positive or negative.

The fastest way to start financial expansion in a positive direction is to start giving more cheerful thoughts regarding money.  Remember to bless others, you have no idea what they have been through to get where they are.  Often times we only see the glory story of celebrities and others.  It’s easy to judge them, however, refrain from judging.

Speak cheerfully regarding money.  Have you ever heard the saying that money answers all things?

Feel cheerfully about money, it’s energy, infuse joy and thanksgiving in your giving, then take inspired actions regarding money.  Learn to identify when you are just coming from that habitual side of you when it comes to money making decisions.

If you have negative language and feelings regarding money, you are truly cursing yourself, as you will not allow the free flow of money with negative thoughts, feelings and actions.  It takes awareness and creating new habits to have a money makeover.  It’s simple, but takes discipline.

Remember what you give, comes back to  you multiplied.  Most successful people give at least 10 percent of their income, whether it’s to an organization, where they are fed spiritually or just where they are led to give.  Once you understand Who your source is, then you can’t help but to give.

Giving is like opening the windows of your house, remember that’s how we started. Once the windows are open, exchange occurs more rapidly, there’s a flow and rhythm that occurs-money out, money in, there’s more clarity, there’s a freshness that occurs, you hear better, you see better, a hearty breeze of money can be blown in, and so much more.

Just make a firm decision now, regardless of how much you have, you will give cheerfully, and be open to receive goodness as a natural process and flow of energy.

I encourage my clients to give at least $10 away to a good cause on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month.  It’s fun and someone else is blessed.

Recipe 4 Financial Expansion-Start Now

Thank you for your time.

Please comment, like and share.

Expect God’s best,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006

I choose abundance now bootcamp

What shall I do?

Listen to the recording of the generic Change your mind, change your lifestyle conference call:

What shall I do?


  • Playback Number: (712) 775-7029
  • Access Code: 358488#
  • Reference:  73

We will always use Millionaire Mind for network marketers as our foundation.

We are using Og Mandino’s “The Greatest Salesman in the world” scroll marked V, through May 31.  

Read scroll marked IV as instructed-

-upon awakening silently

-after your midday meal, silently

-read aloud before bedtime for 30 days before proceeding to the next scroll.  

Set your event planner to join us on Live on Saturday.

Saturdays at 1o am CT, 11 am ET

  • Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7031
  • Access Code: 358488

Please contact the person that shared this information with you to take a serious look at their specific program.  Thank you for listening.

God’s Abundance to you,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006 

Forgiveness is freeing

Thank God I’m Forgiven

It’s Forgive me Friday

Forgiveness is freeing


May 2017 One Minute Meditation

God’s best to you, Thank you for your time

Marlena Burton

618 223 6006


Money makeover-how am I acting regarding money?

How am I acting regarding money?

Are you indifferent regarding money?

Does money excite you?

Do you dread dealing with money?

Dig a little deeper and see if you can figure out where your actions and feelings regarding money came from.


Recipe 4 Financial Expansion-Start Now

Thank you for your time.

Please comment, like and share.

Expect God’s best,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006

I choose abundance now bootcamp

Money makeover-How do I feel about money?

How do I feel about money?

Look in your wallet, it’s literally a reflection of your true thoughts and feelings about money.  

Changing my mind about money, and learning how the mind works increased the amount of money that shows up in my wallet, bank account  and without taking on another job or working more hours.  Following a few simple disciplines every day brought big changes for me.

Recipe 4 Financial Expansion-Start Now

Thank you for your time.

Please comment, like and share.

Expect God’s best,

Marlena Burton


618 223 6006

I choose abundance now bootcamp

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Regardless of what your relationship is with your Mother, take a moment, forgive her, love her and let her know you are grateful she was the conduit for you to have life.

Make a special call to tell your Mom-Thank You for birthing me, & believing in me.

God’s best to you, Thank you for your time

Marlena Burton

618 223 6006
