Letter of forgiveness

Letter of forgiveness
Have you ever written a letter of forgiveness?
What did you do with it?
How did you feel afterwards?
Take a few minutes now and give it a try.  You can shred it, burn it, mail it, flush it.  Whatever is on your heart to do.  Just see who comes to mind.
Dear _________________
Now-follow your heart and write until you start to feel like you have truly forgiven _________.
Feel free to connect with me and share how you feel, what emotions came up for you etc.
I love connecting with other’s and helping them break through their limiting beliefs.  Feel free to contact me to schedule your 15 minute or 30 minute session ASAP.
You have two more days this week to focus your attention and complete your one minute meditation “Where Is My Attention?”
Joyfully expect God’s best,
Thank you, may your day be abundantly blessed
Marlena Burton
618 223 6006

Certified Belief Clearing Practitioner

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