Attitude Makes All the Difference

Sharing nuggets from  a 30 day Mastery challenge, so will share a line or two from the challenge each day for 30 days.

Day 14-Attitude Makes All the Difference

Everyone that has a problem is not looking for a solution, they want the attention that goes with the problem.  People that are the problem, never think they are the problem.

Grab a sheet of paper and write down what you like about _________.  

In front of a mirror, enthusiastically change “I like, to I love _____________.

Read the list before bed and upon awakening.  Keep the list with you and add things that you love.

Focus on changing you and it will seem as is the world has changed.  You can only change you.

Here’s your One Minute Meditation for July. and video regarding Deliberate Attraction

Thank you so much.

God’s Abundance to you,

Marlena Burton

Certified Law of Attraction Wealth Practitioner

618 223 6006

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